dWinlock is an easy to use toolkit which allows software developers to limit the access to Windows (Vista, XP, 2k, NT, Me, 98) by disabling a variety of key combinations (e.g. Ctrl+Alt+Del) and by hiding or replacing elements of the Windows desktop. The dWinlock API can be used in development environments that allow for calling functions in third party DLLs. If your environment allows for calling Win32 API functions, you can also use the dWinlock API in your projects dWinlock offers the following functions:: Disable keystrokes, for example: Ctrl Alt Del Ctrl Esc Alt Tab Alt Esc Alt F4 Win Key Application Key Right Mouse Button Hide or replace following desktop elements: Windows Taskbar Windows Desktop Windows Start Button Tray Icons in the Windows Taskbar Application Links in the Windows Taskbar Replacement of Windows Start menu with own menu All options can be activated or deactivated during runtime. No reboot is required to apply changes. More information at: http://www.dwinlock.kassl.de